
Showing posts from October, 2017

Depict - Short Film Reviews

Picking Sides The first short film I watched was called ‘Picking Sides’ by Dotty Kultys & Beatriz Pinto. This was an animated film about a man and his dog who get caught in the middle of two warships. The film starts off with just the man and his dog in their little boat. Right from beginning there is a very calm tone set. The sea was very tranquil and the colours that they used set a very peaceful scene. Even when the action increases the colour still quite light. I think this has been done to show the hope that people must have when they're stuck in the middle of war. We are lead to believe that this short film is going to be free from strife however this harmonious mood is quickly dismissed when the two warships are brought into frame. Since this film never changes it shot type or shooting perspective it all it allows the watcher to take in every detail of the scene. If you look closely at the warships you notice how you can see the hull below the water. This is don

Change of Hands- Induction Task

Our induction task was to make a film based around continuity. I think we were successful in this task however there were a few errors. For example at the beginning when he opens the door we can see the pink balloon in shot, but when we see the close up of the balloons the pink balloon is at the front. Also the position of where he was holding the book changes between two shots. It goes from being on his lap when he is kneeling down to being held slightly above his lap. There are a few more shots I wish we would've put in. For example we should've got a shot of him walking through the door instead of just him opening and closing it. However despite all of this I think the continuity of our film was upheld throughout, because of this I think we successfully completed the task that was given to us.