
Showing posts from January, 2018

Assignment 1 Feedback Sheet


Evaluation for Depict Production

Me and my group made a 90 second short film depicting ideas about conformity and how society views people with different ideology's for this project. Our camera use was very simple as our production was made up of different people but with the same shot type. All of our shots were either close ups or wide shots. When people were walking down the path we used a wide shot and with the shots of the faces we used close up shots. We also used an extreme close up of an eye behind the mask to emphasize the fact that people were still individual underneath the mask. Our camera angle also didn't alter much as we kept it very straight on to what was happening.The only time we moved our camera angle was in the final two shots where the camera follows the masks down off of the peoples faces. We kept our editing quite simple as we felt like if we added too many cuts or fades into the already confusing story line would become lost. We added simple cuts between shots in order to