
Showing posts from April, 2018

TV Advert Evaluation

I think my re-branded TV advert for Toni and Guy was successful for a variety of reasons however I feel like there are parts that could have been done better if we were doing it a second time round. The brief for this assignment was to do research into Unilever and the products it promotes and re-brand one of those products. Within my group we decided to re-brand Toni and Guy which is a well known hair care brand. To come to this decision we watched and listened to everyone's presentation about what brand they wanted to re-brand and once we had heard them all we decided which brand we wanted to do. The original primary target audience for Toni and Guy was from ages 18-22 and those with a relatively large income as most of their products are on the pricey side. Also whilst Toni and Guy don't have many adverts broadcast on television the ones that are put on air, all feature models that are the same age as their demographic. Also Toni and Guy is a product that is mainly ai

TV Adverts Feedback
